Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"It's A Men's Carry-All!"

You know, I make jokes about guys carrying purses in Korea, but I'm beginning to understand.

Years ago when I watched the old “Murse” episode of Sienfield I never thought the idea would catch on. Living in the southeastern part of the United States, certain ideas are slow to perpetrate, even in the cities like Atlanta. Several times I remember even my grandmother questioning why I still carried a backpack after I graduated from college. Her reasoning? “Men just don't do that.” The most advanced it got was a briefcase and I always associated those with cubicle worker drones and wall street brokers.

(It's a Carry All for the Last Time!)

Then Kanye West and his “Louis Vutton Don” backpack shook up everything; a year or so after his first album dropped and suddenly dudes are walking around with brown Louie V bags. Still, it was (and still is ) a “GQ” concept. Where I come from, if it doesn't have two straps and goes on your back then you don't wear it. So even thought I was warned ahead of time about the metro-sexual guys here in South Korea, the man-bags shocked me right along with Korean guys walking arm in arm and male celebs doing cosmetic ads.

(Coming soon: His and her compacts)

However, it all fits. Look up the term “pretty boy” and you'll probably see a picture of the F4 guys from “Boys Over Flowers.” Younger guys here put just as much time into their appearance as the ladies, so why shouldn't they make sure the bag and tie match?

(Put in them the sunlight and their skin sparkles with glitter!)

While we from the west find the idea a bit of a joke, we forget one thing; it's actually PRACTICAL to carry a bag. In fact, it may be MORE practical for us who are just visiting. Most expats here don't own cars and rely on public transportation. That means planning ahead is essential because often going back home isn't an option.

(Yep, That's an NFL QB. . . )

Also consider that in 2010 people just carry more stuff around. Many carry laptops or netbook, various gadgets, mp3 players, notebooks, books, clothing, cameras and the like. And because bathrooms in Korea don't always have toilet paper, men often carry packets of tissue around.

(Man-bag AND Skinny jeans. . . . yeeesh!)

Want another reason? Then just go shopping. Stores often don't give you a shopping bag unless you ask for them and Grocery stores here even charge you FOR the plastic bags when you request them. The idea that all you need is your wallet and cell phone seems a bit dated with you consider all of this.

So while I can completely see the rationale behind carrying around a bag; the part I can't get my head around is the fashion element. Do they have to look so. . . purse-like? The fact that many of the bags here DO look like purses can be off-putting for some. There are already those negative connotations of manhood and sexuality attached to so many things here and the murse is yet another one. Accuse any guy with a messenger bag of carrying a muse and watch him squirm in their seats. Much of it also just comes from comfort. Many guys have no issues with the idea itself, but they just aren't progressive enough to take a chance on a bag that MIGHT actually be meant for their mom or girlfriend.

(Even The guys at understand this all too well.)

As for me, I'll keep my backpack. I think I would look silly with a “satchel” slung around my chest considering my size and height.

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